AF Fruit Fly Traps

AF Fruit Fly Traps

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AF Fruit Fly Traps
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AF Fruit Fly Trap - Pack of 6 traps and 6 x 200ml lures
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AF Fruit Fly Trap Replacement Lures - Pack of 6 x 200ml replacement lures
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SKU AF Fruit Fly Traps
The AF Fruit Fly Trap is a poison free device for monitoring fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster) in commercial, residential and industrial premises such as bakeries, groceries, confectioneries, restaurants, offices, and similar locations. It is excellent at locating the source of fruit fly infestation through monitoring the count in the trap. It lures adult fruit flies, and therefore it is a perfect tool for mapping infestation levels.

Supplied as a pack of 6 traps and 6 x 200ml lures, with additional packs of lure also available.
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