Biopren 6EC

Biopren 6EC

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Biopren 6EC - 500ml
SKU 100-000811
Contains: 6.74% w/w S-methoprene, 4.81% w/w Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium, 10.17% w/w PBO

Dilution 50ml/5ltr water

Biopren 6EC is a broad-spectrum, natural pyrethrins and S-methoprene (an Insect Growth Regulator for resistance management) -based, emulsion concentrate for professional use indoors as a surface spray. For the control of bedbugs and fleas, other crawling insects on surfaces, in cracks and crevices, on carpets, soft furnishings, mattresses, pet housing and pet bedding.
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Authorisation Number N/A

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