Chameleon® 4x4EX

Chameleon® 4x4EX

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Chameleon® 4x4EX - Each ( includes WEEE charge: £0.99 )
Designed specifically to be explosion-proof for use in environments where the air carries a large amount of dust, this stainless steel unit is IP65 and Ex rated to PREN 50281-1-1 in addition to safety standard EN 60335-2-59.

Dimensions: H x W x D = 61.5 x 63.5 x 16.5cm

Weight: 15.5kg

Ceiling suspended / Free-standing: 440m²

Chameleon® 4x4 Ex is also suitable for Zone 22 areas, satisfying EN 50014:1994. Four 40-watt Quantum BL tubes with shatter resistant coating and large double-sided board provide the suspended unit with 440m² coverage. Advanced electronic ballast system reduces the running costs and helps to increase efficiency.
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