Metal Bait Safe Litter Bin

Metal Bait Safe Litter Bin

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Metal Bait Safe Litter Bin (90 Litre) - Each N.B. Due to the bulky nature of these items carriage will be added, price on application.
SKU 260-000010
This metal bin contains 1x Protecta LP bait station in its base. With access holes for rats to take bait from under the bin. Incorporates a virtually indestructable door hinge system, with the tough Zintec steel construction making it ideal for high streets, parks and recreation areas.

  • 2mm Zintec featuring a heavy duty front opening door
  • 2 posting apertures
  • laser cut "LITTER" lettering beneath each aperture
  • 0.9mm galvanised steel liner with safety top edge and two handles
  • 10mm thick steel base
  • 20mm heavy duty steel pivot hinge
  • Stainless steel slam lock mechanism
  • Powder galu prime and polyester coat (black as standard)
  • Capacity: 90 litres
  • Dimensions: 1020mm high x 535mm wide x 410mm deep
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