Racumin® Foam

Racumin® Foam

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Racumin® Foam - 1 x 500ml

Contains 0.4% Coumatetralyl

Racumin® Foam is the perfect complementary control measure which can be used as part of an Integrated Pest Management programme.

  • Quick and easy to apply; ready to use product 
  • Racumin® Foam Takes advantage of a rat’s grooming behaviour; rats groom 20% of the time in a 24 hour period, therefore contact with Racumin® Foam will ensure ingestion of the active ingredient 
  • Can be placed in locations such as cavity walls, where traditional baiting methods are not possible 
  • It provides an additional level of control that cannot be achieved with current baiting techniques 
  • Offers an ideal solution where bait shyness or neophobia is an issue 
  • Racumin® Foam is not a bait and therefore does not rely on palatability 
  • Once applied the disturbed foam provides a good visual guide to the level of rodent activity
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Authorisation Number BPR:UK-2014-0860
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