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RatMat – The Ultimate Electric Rat Deterrent for Long-Term Protection

A Smarter, Safer, and More Effective Way to Repel Rodents

Rodents cause significant damage to vehicles, industrial machinery, and buildings by chewing through wires, insulation, and plastic components. This leads to expensive repairs, operational downtime, and safety risks. Traditional pest control methods, such as traps and poisons, are often ineffective, require ongoing maintenance, and can pose risks to pets and non-target animals.

RatMat is a groundbreaking electric rat deterrent designed to prevent rodent damage before it happens. Unlike traditional pest control solutions that rely on killing rodents, RatMat provides a humane, long-term solution by actively repelling rats and mice. This makes it an ideal investment for pest controllers, car garages, property managers, farmers, and industrial site operators looking for a cost-effective, low-maintenance rodent deterrent.

Grouped product items
Product Name Sku Qty
RatMat Tiles - Pack of 10
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RatMat Edges - Pack of 24
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RatMat Corners - Pack of 10
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RatMat Energiser (and connections) - Each
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A4 Warning Sign - Each
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Does an Electric Rat Deterrent Really Work?

Yes. RatMat has been tested over six years of research and real-world applications, proving to be 100% effective at deterring rodents from protected areas. Unlike ultrasonic devices or chemical repellents that lose effectiveness over time, RatMat works immediately and consistently by delivering a mild electric pulse that conditions rodents to avoid the area.

Key findings from research and customer reports:

  • Rats and mice actively avoid stepping on RatMat after a single shock.
  • Food placed on the mat remained untouched for up to 25 days, even in areas with high rodent activity.
  • Zero rodent-related damage to vehicles, machinery, and storage spaces in protected areas.


How RatMat Works

RatMat functions like an electric fence but is designed for ground-level protection. It consists of durable interlocking steel tiles that create a hard-wearing, conductive surface. When a rodent steps on the tiles, it receives a mild shock, training it to avoid the area. This makes RatMat a humane, non-toxic alternative to poisons and traps.

Why RatMat is Ideal for Pest Control Professionals and Businesses

  • Requires minimal maintenance – No need for constant re-baiting or disposal of dead rodents.
  • Eliminates the risk of poison exposure – Safe for use in organic farms, food storage, and areas with pets.
  • Complies with Soil Association organic standards – Making it a perfect pest control solution for organic farms.


Key Benefits of RatMat

  • Humane & Non-Toxic – Repels rodents without harming them.
  • Cost-Effective – One-time investment compared to recurring pest control costs.
  • Weather-Resistant & Durable – Works in indoor and industrial environments.
  • Can Handle Heavy Machinery – Tractors and industrial equipment can drive over it without damage.
  • Modular & Scalable – Expandable coverage for small or large areas.
  • Mains or Solar Powered – Works on-grid or off-grid, offering flexible use options.

How Many Tiles Do You Need?

Each RatMat tile measures 30 × 30 × 1 cm and connects seamlessly to form a protective surface.

  1. Measure the area you need to cover (in metres).
  2. Divide the length and width by 0.3m to determine the number of tiles per side.
  3. Multiply these numbers together for the total tile count.
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