Raxit Doorseal Roll

Raxit Doorseal Roll

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The Raxit Door Seal is a convenient 3-meter length proofing seal that can be easily cut to size. It can be used to proof doors, gates and gaps on buildings. The seal when fitted enables you to securely proof the threshold against rodents and other pests. Made from 3.2mm wide flame retardant Santoprene™ this highly flexible and durable material is reinforced with steel wires to stop rodents from chewing through. The seal is corrugated to ensure the steel wires inlaid into the seal do not slide. The seal can be fixed using flatheaded screws and an adhesive sealant such as Avisil/Avifix. If required a protection strip can be fitted (Wood, Aluminium, Plastic or Stainless steel) to maintain the look of the proofed area.

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