Talunex Tablets

Talunex Tablets

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Talunex Tablets - Flask of 160 x 0.6gm tablets

Carriage will be £28 per consignment

SKU 225-000005

Contains 56% aluminium Phosphide.

The Talunex flask is screwed onto the Topex applicator. One action of the Topex trigger releases one pellet allowing multiple applications with a flexible dose rate depending on pest species. For the control of rats, rabbits and moles.

Please note that we require a signed offical order which must state the purpose for which the product is being used.

This product falls within the scope of the new Carriage of Dangerous Goods Regulations.

Talunex Label Change

As a result of regulatory risk assessment outcomes there has been an amendment to the use instructions for this rat, rabbit and mole control product. Burrows, runs and harbourages cannot be treated if they are less than 10 metres from any building occupied by man or animals. The previous conditions of use regarding distance referred to 3 metres. All conditions of use and safety precautions must be adhered to.

Use biocides safely. Always read the label and product information before use.

Phostoxin label will be amended at next reprint to show 10m instead of 3m. It is recommended that users of both products adhere to the 10m instruction forthwith

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Authorisation Number MAPP 15974 / 17001

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