Woodworm Killer - Lignum Pro I 62.5

Woodworm Killer - Lignum Pro I 62.5

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1 × 1 litre

Contains 6.5% permethrin

Dilution 1 litre/25 litres water

A concentrated insecticidal treatment for wood-boring insect control and prevention based on the active ingredient permethrin and formulated as a micro emulsion. The formulation particle size allows the active ingredient to penetrate deep into the timber. The concentrate dilutes with 24 Litres of clean water to make 25 Litres of treatment fluid. Once diluted the product can be brushed or low pressure sprayed onto furniture, flooring, structural and other timbers to treat or prevent attack from wood boring insects. Treated areas can be overpainted, stained or varnished when dry. For internal use, it is always advisable to try on a small inconspicuous area before application to ensure there is no effect to colour or finish.



This product can only be used by people who are required to use pesticides as part of their work and who have received appropriate information, instruction and training.

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Authorisation Number HSE 9894

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