Xignal Remote Monitoring System

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The Xignal system monitors rodent traps and sensors with the most modern technology

Grouped product items
Product Name Sku Qty
Xignal Mouse Trap
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Xignal Rat Trap
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Xignal Gateway
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Xignal Motion Sensor 2.0
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• The Xignal system monitors rodent traps and sensors with the most modern technology

• It monitors, records and alerts to rodent activity 24/7, sending you an email when there is a change of status in a trap/sensor

• Allows for 24/7 monitoring of a site through the Xignal App or Portal

• Updates the server with a status check every 24 - 30 hours

• All data is held securely within a cloud based server

• Provides intelligent reporting for trend analysis and customer reviews


With the Xignal Mouse and Rat Traps you can trap rodents in a smart way with modern sensor technology, which allows you to monitor and record rodent activities 24/7. This creates room for intensive and efficient inspections. The non-tox digital trapping saves costs and fits in with integrated pest management and provides intelligent and sustainable pest control.

The Xignal technology uses a private LoRaWAN network. This is easy to setup by plugging into the preconfigured Xignal gateway.The gateway needs an internet connection using ethernet or you can activate the preinstalled SIM-card from Dimo Systems to use a cellular (4G) internet connection. (cellular comes with an annual subscription from Dimo Systems)


The Motion Sensor 2.0

The Motion Sensor 2.0 can be used in a bait station or a multi-catch device and will alert you when there is activity in the box. The sensor can also be used in hidden spaces, such as drop ceilings. (note sensors not placed in a box willdetect all motion in that space).

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